Reference: 1-6-9
Brand: Triton
Triton Reagents Activated Carbon 5000 ml
Supplement supplying carbon to the ecosystem of the marine aquarium.
Reference: 1-6-9
Brand: Triton
Supplement supplying carbon to the ecosystem of the marine aquarium.
Brand: Triton
AL99 to absorber na bazie glinu bardzo skuteczny w wiązaniu fosforanów, ale również innych zanieczyszczeń, takich jak krzemian i bar. Zalecana dawka wynosi 50ml AL99 na 100 litrów pojemności zbiornika. Pojemność: 1000ml
Brand: Triton
AL99 to absorber na bazie glinu bardzo skuteczny w wiązaniu fosforanów, ale również innych zanieczyszczeń, takich jak krzemian i bar. Zalecana dawka wynosi 50ml AL99 na 100 litrów pojemności zbiornika. Pojemność: 1000ml
Reference: 1-7-107
Brand: Aquaforest
Specially selected blend of zeolites particularly recommended in tanks with plentiful livestock and or ULNS tanks. Due to carefully designed composition, Zeo Mix is a comprehensive, multifunctional filtration media. Zeo Mix perfectly absorbs ammonia and ammonium ions in the initial phase thus inhibiting the increase of nitrate concentrations. In addition,...
Reference: 1-7-130
Brand: Aquaforest
High quality activated granular carbon. Immediately removes impurities from the water, coloring substances and causing water turbidity, thanks to which it significantly improves its clarity. At the same time, it removes medication residues and compounds accumulated in water. It also perfectly fits the needs of ULNS aquariums, very heavily stocked with SPS...
Reference: 1-7-20
Brand: Aquaforest
High quality activated granular carbon. Immediately removes impurities from the water, coloring substances and causing water turbidity, thanks to which it significantly improves its clarity. At the same time, it removes medication residues and compounds accumulated in water. It also perfectly fits the needs of ULNS aquariums, very heavily stocked with SPS...